Matthew Tillman

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since Aug 12, 2013
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Many thanks, I figured that was the case. Looks like strawbale will be the direction I head.
11 years ago
Hey yall. I've been lurking around for awhile.

Within the next year I am planning on buying 15-20 acres and homesteading/building for retirement.

I live in South Texas, where it gets HOT, but doesn't always cool off at night like more arid deserts. We can reach 105-110 during the day and only cool down to upper 90s at night sometimes. Typical is more like 98/76 though.

Will the thermal mass of a Cob house work against me? Is the night time temperature too high to effectively allow the mass to cool?

We will absolutely need some type of heating\cooling. Will the hot thermal mass counter my attempts of cooling the house down?

Many thanks!
11 years ago