mike gee

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since Aug 17, 2013
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I have a stack of fire brick and a old pottery kiln full of insulating bricks. Something will come of this in a future project.
11 years ago
I just built a oven using a rocket stove for heat. All materials were rubish nothing purchased. This build uses 2 old air compressor tanks. One tank is the oven completely sealed from the outer tank so no smoke in the cooking chamber. This isnt going to cook 90 sec pizzzas but will hold a good temp with little wood. The first fire up took 25 min to get to 400degrees. Maybe some insulation on the top of the oven will help with pre heat time. There is a lot of steel in this thing probally weighs 50 or 60 pounds. Had a fire going for 2 hours and used a hand full of wood. Cooking surface is 10 x 16
11 years ago