Chris Barton

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since Aug 25, 2013
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Recent posts by Chris Barton

I've had some success treating nerve and joint pains and issues with urtication.
Sounds like a massive bucket of crazy to many people but it has been surprisingly effective for me in the past. A gentle brushing with a nettle around the affected area to start with and you can progress this to full on sadistic nettle whipping if it'd helping.
Don't forget to thank the plant for the serotonin and all its other stingy brain food!
8 years ago

Henry Jabel wrote:Anyone in/around gloucestershire / worcestershire area? Would be nice to meet some other people.

Hey there Henry (and everyone else on this glorious island)
I'm a worcestershire resident (malvern) looking to connect with like minded people.
9 years ago
Ok, I am making a hugel berm sun scoop type thingy on my allotment. The aim is to show/discover what can be grown in the temperate climate of rainy damp middle england. What I can't decide though is what plant would be best to grow to show off the capabilities of such a technique. I'd love to do a lemon tree experiment but because it's not my land and only an allotment and also due to the lack of machinery and materials, it's only going to be 3 or 4 feet high so would best suit some kind of shrub. So does anyone have any suggestions? I would like it to be something that is recognizable and normally associated with warmer climates.
9 years ago
Every time I try to grow broad beans they end up riddled with black fly. Anyone got any tips for helping with this?
Anyone else a fan of the Japanese hoe? It's a fantastic tool.
9 years ago
@ Erica
Yes I remember when my kids were babies going to some effort to find fully bio degradable nappies but couldn't find any on the market. I occasionally check to see if you can get them now but it seems not. You'd think that they would be a popular product.
When I'm in charge I'd pass a law to say they have to be fully bio degradable.
9 years ago
Phew! I ordered a copy the other day and I would have kicked myself if I'd won a copy here...
9 years ago
This thread is absolutely brilliant! My grin got bigger and bigger as I worked my way through the photos!
I'm hoping to be buying land in the next 12 months and I've sort of "heard" that pigs seal a pond but kind of didn't really think that it would be entirely possible. But blimey, if they can do it on that terrain then they can do it on the sticky clay mush we have where I am.

Sir, I salute you.
9 years ago