Brad Cloutier

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since Aug 31, 2013
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Recent posts by Brad Cloutier

i got in 5 minutes early and watched it all the way through with my wife
Something I've thought about many times while looking for property. If I had to chose existing woodland or barren farm land to design on which would I chose?

I'd love to know your thoughts!
10 years ago
Here's a bigger pic from the first post with the leaves in her hand.
10 years ago
A few more pics
10 years ago
Sorry, I don't have a ton of experience with ID unless I've seen it personally. This stuff was growing wild alongside the slopes of a pond and it was everywhere! Sandy and rocky soil in Northern Indiana.

10 years ago
Looking at a property and it seems like a nice spot for guinea hens (20 acres, no neighbors right up against the property). There is a ton of potential for harvesting animals such as deer and turkey. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the interactions of guinea's and deer or turkeys? Will the guinea's keep them away or will we be ok?
10 years ago
on top of all this has anyone asked, does biochar work? The studies I've seen independently show mixed result so I'd love to know if anyone has taken a scientific approach over the course at least a few years and concluded that biochar works? If there is another thread on this site that answers this question please let me know.
10 years ago
Just checking in with the Indiana people. Does anyone have anything new going on? We are on the prowl for property right now so I've put any and all projects that require funding on hold at our current location. I'm ready to get down to business. There's still a lot I've been able to learn about this year including embracing multifunctional elements, integration of rabbits, comfrey, growing vertically to save space and water harvesting. Nothing on the level I'd consider "very efficient" but "better" for sure.

10 years ago
I watched a few videos featuring Michael Pilarski. Seems like he's one of those pulling this concept off. Would be cool to hear from him
10 years ago