Akiva Silver

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since Sep 02, 2013
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Recent posts by Akiva Silver

Hello Everyone,
Last winter I sat down to write another article, but it spiraled out of control. I became somewhat possessed as I wrote every chance I got, often into the middle of the night. After a few months I finished the manuscript for Trees of Power. Its now available through Chelsea Green Publishing. So far, the reviews have been wonderful. Thanks to all you out there who have supported my work, and to all you who plant trees and care for the Earth.
If you would like to learn more about the book, you can read the table of contents and preface here
Thank you
5 years ago
Hello Folks,
I created an online propagation class called Abundant Propagation. It is a hands on class in which I mail people batches of seeds and cuttings along with videos and instructions. You can read about the details of the class including the list of trees and shrubs Here
Thanks and Never Stop Growing,
5 years ago
Hello, I have a good amount of seed of hybrid chestnut, hybrid hazel, mulberry, black locust, and pawpaws this year. I'll have them available for the next few weeks until the weather gets too cold to mail them. You can check out the details on the genetics and pricing here
6 years ago
Hello Folks, I am writing to let you know of a new offering this year. It is called abundant propagation. It is a course that is more than a course. Abundant propagation is a package of numerous seeds and cuttings along with detailed instructions on how to grow them. You can sign up and read more about it here
Thank you and I hope you enjoy growing plants upon this strange and beautiful earth, and that you are able to appreciate the joys of the surrounding infinity,
6 years ago
making compost is like religion. Everyone thinks their way is correct, but in reality there's lots of ways to achieve the same results. I never turn or heat up compost piles. Some of my piles are just a pile of woodchips that sits for several years. The point of compost is to add organic matter to the soil. Do it anyway you want, but it doesn't have to get hot. When you see steam rising out of a hot compost pile, you are seeing nutrients vaporizing into the atmosphere.
6 years ago
Softwood (summer cuttings) are in sand, hardwood dormant cuttings go in soil
7 years ago
Thanks for the kind responses
7 years ago