Stephen Grant

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since Sep 06, 2013
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Recent posts by Stephen Grant

It's taken me 3 generations and over a year to get an all Red New Zealand line as there were none to be had in the Los Angeles area.

Please check out my litter here...

8 years ago
How does the Easter Bunny make the eggs? Finally the "R-rated" answer to the age-old question.

  • 8 years ago

    Amedean Messan wrote:House fans do well as a patch remedy for essentially a poor design IMO and that still leaves the root cause of the problem. Ideally, I would want the air to flow naturally to circulate the air but I have not fully settled on the means to achieve this

    Agreed. It would be nice to have a house that cools passively.
    10 years ago
    I installed a Whole House Fan in my home to reduce the time I need to run my air conditioning. I recently posted a youtube video on my system to show how it works. A Whole House Fan can be used as an A/C alternative whenever the outside temperature is lower than your inside temperature. It blows the existing air into the attic and draws cooler fresh air through a window into your home.

    My Whole House Fan run on a fraction of electricity compared to my A/C. I have a price comparison chart in the video.

    If you have questions about Whole House Fans, how much they save you on your electricity bill or install please take a look at my video...
    thanks, Boogi

    10 years ago
    After 18 days of faithful hatching, my broody Buff Orpington decided to snap out of her broodiness and abandon her eggs. Luckily by means of a piece of wood and some patience there is a small happy ending to this story.

    You can check out my youtube video where I document our first experience with letting our hens do the hatching...

    10 years ago
    I recently got a motion-activated sprinkler against a raccoon that wants to get into my veggie-pad on a nightly basis. I posted a youtube video of the system in action at It's been two weeks and my garden has not had another hole or ripped out plant since then. I know these guys are clever so I'm curious to see if this system will keep him at bay longterm. Has anyone experience with these kinds of sprinklers?
    10 years ago
    I posted a youtube video on sprouting... healthier feed at less than half the cost of commercial feed.

    To see the video follow the link at

    Feeding sprouted grain is a very economical method of supplying green feed to all classes of poultry and rabbits. Fodder, as green feeds are also called, supply nutrients that are easier to absorb for your animals. Dried grains ready for sprouting are convenient to buy and store.

    The feed value of the grains change when sprouting happens. When grain begins to sprout and grow there is an increase in vitamin and protein percentage wise. The reason for this is the starch is used to support the new sprout. A grains seed contains complex compounds which are difficult to digest. When they are sprouted they become a more simple compound, which makes them more readily available.

    11 years ago
    This is a self-made DIY approach to help save water and money that repurposes plumbing parts available in the pool/spa tub market. With a remote controlled valve I can either drain the water into the city sewage system or into my garden, all with the flip of a switch.

    I posted a video of my setup on youtube at...

    Los Angeles
    11 years ago