Jim Runnels

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since Sep 10, 2013
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R Scott wrote:There is a new option I just found: http://www.rocketstove1234.com/hunter_indoor_woodgas_stove.htm#sthash.FnZXvzMo.dpbs

Use an old cast iron pot as the lid (like the rings in an old wood cookstove) when you aren't cooking. The idea is for it to be a summer option for a wood cookstove in a house/cabin (vs. a normal wood cookstove), but it seems perfect for a tiny house.

Another new member here. I have the Silverfire cook stove that you are referring too, and it is a great cook stove. Because the stove itself is insulated it gives off very little heat and therefore would not be ideal for warming a small cabin. While still expensive, another option, the simplefire heater.

11 years ago