Hallo, I was born in Berlin, germany. Some years ago i had the heart feeling to go to country to live an country life
. Now I´m since 18 years here on the place where I´m very happy. This is now my homeland, because around me are some wonderfull people in this village and some wonderfull nature and also very important, I have a brigthen, nice and greenshining happy-making garden around me. I try to do permaculture, plant some trees, beers, wildfood and flowers tomatoes, salad and hear about the signs what my garden me give. Now I pick some Mirabelles (njam), tomatoes, cucumber.
I named me artist because Im a very creativ woman. I paint, I form Ton and am make music and do any other thinks who need my neverending creativiti. So, that is the short describe of me. Sorry for my uneasely english
. When you speek german, than i prefere to speek german with you