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M Turf

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since Sep 16, 2013
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Recent posts by M Turf

I own land that i'm not going to be able to move onto for another year or two. In the meantime, i'm plotting out some locations for a food forest and am starting to plant my fruit and nut trees and shrubs so that when i finally do get there, everything is old enough to harvest.
11 years ago
You could look into whether or not the utility company would pay you for your power. Then, in the months when you're not using the system it could make you a few bucks.
11 years ago
I tried the baking soda and ACV a year or so ago and it didn't work for me. I have straight hair that's 4 or so inches below my shoulders and it just stripped it. It felt horrible, it was extremely difficult to brush, and working the baking soda in was a nightmare. Now i use JR Liggets and i love it. My hair looks great, don't need conditioner though i do rinse with ACV every other week or so. And i have to wash my hair every other day or it gets greasy and unpresentable in permies. And as for those people posting about showering every few days, how does that work on your lower bits? My lower girly bits enjoy cleaning every day, thank you very much.
11 years ago
"Especially when one of their employees tells you they have pictures of your family in their house. (Ok... Real creepy.)"

Why were you throwing out pictures of your family?
11 years ago
That sounds pretty cool!
11 years ago
I don't have the farm yet, but i had entertained something along these lines but only separating them once a week because i don't need fresh milk every day. Can it be done once a week instead? Keeping them together the other 6 days?
11 years ago

An acquaintance on fb offered up some blue oyster spawn for free a while back and i took some. It came in a quart jar and was mixed with maybe grain or coffee?? He didn't share his technique. I sterilized some wood chips, mixed in the spawn, and placed everything under a maple tree in the backyard. Yesterday I finally checked the area and there was a very nice large one coming up! So i would like to use this new mushroom to create new spawn. The fb guy is out of the picture. Not online a lot and i don't have any other way of contacting him, so i was hoping someone here could help me take the mushroom and create new spawn.

11 years ago
I've made both butter and yogurt for years.

Butter: I pour some heavy cream into a pint jar and shake it back and forth while watching tv until it separates. I filter out the buttermilk and save it for rolls or bread or whatever. Then i rinse the butter until the water runs pretty clear, add a bit of salt and done.

Yogurt: I heat natural milk (whole + cream still in there) to 180, let it cool to 116. Then i add either yogurt i already have or a package of cultures if i ran out. I let it sit for 7 or so hours in a yogurt maker (insulated cooler that is designed to keep the mixture at 116-ish for that 7 hour period). Then i strain mine after through muslin to get the thicker greek-like stuff. I've never liked runny yogurt.
11 years ago