Carter Bailey

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since Sep 21, 2013
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Recent posts by Carter Bailey

Hello everyone. I have a simple question for all of you and would love your input. How much thermal mass do all of you have over you horizontal pipe before you add any structural cob. I only have one 6" pipe in the bench.
The bench will be about 18" at the base 18" tall and the top couple inches of structural cob will be about 22" wide.
Thanks carter
10 years ago
Hi big Al. I hope you had a good thanksgiving. I ended up building a molded core and it burns awesome. After hours of burning it hardly even gets warm on the outside. I will be adding a support but with the location it's not even needed. The insulation I have to protect the floor is 3" thick and also fireproof. Awesome stuff. Thanks to my friend jeff that gave it to me. Here is a pic of the location and insulation in place. I will also cover it with foil before I start construction. Sorry it's a big pic.
11 years ago
Hi Kilgore. I am happy to hear that the blue clay worked out good for you. I bet it looks great. I would like to see a picture of it.
11 years ago
Hi Big Al.
I have been busy and haven't been on here at all. Since I was here last, I did find some good brown clay and also made some bricks in the oven. My ratio of 1 part clay to 3 parts sand worked out great. Nice solid brick not much shrinkage and no cracks. I wish I already had it in place but don't yet. I do have all the insulation and layout in the dining room done and my core is also done.
11 years ago
Thank you Larry. I thought I watched all those videos before. I missed that one. I am glad I didn't go out of my way on Friday to get a sample of the blue clay.
Thanks again
11 years ago
Thank you. It is great to have so many people out there reading the forums.
11 years ago
Glad to here from you big al. I am a little confused, you said fire clay withstands the heat and doesn't expand and shrink much so that's good for not cracking as much. But it sounds like you think I should just use regular clay with masons sand instead? Did I get that right.
Yes hearing the dragon is awesome and made me even more excited. I was thinking a fire clay and perlite around my thinner firebricks (fire clay slip for bricks) would make a great core.
I am sure there are new things to be learned every day.
I want to make the best possible core I can since it is the dragons heart.
Thanks Al
11 years ago
Hi my name is carter, I am going to be building a RMH in my home. I live in north east Ohio and one of the sand and gravel places has what the call blue clay also known and grey. I will be using fire clay around the unit but I wanted to know if anyone here has experience with that clay and will it hold up for the cob bench.
I think I am going to try to get a sample to test tomorrow

Any advise would be great.
Thanks Carter
11 years ago
Hi Big Al. Hope your having a good day.
Out of all the research i have done all I have really found is that regular clay is missing two elements an blue or grey is missing three, so the blue has less iron.
I really thought after you posted that someone would give there 2 cents. I will try to get a sample tomorrow morning so I can make some sample cob.
I did make a test unit in the yard with the normal size fire bricks and it worked great, I am amazed by how it works and for just having the right size feed and right size riser without anything else there was almost no smoke once it got going. I think the gasses were about 7 to 800 in the top of the tube. So I cooked a steak with oak and maple

I want to build the core with the thinner firebricks then cast around that but the casting will also include the barrel platform and also my 6" exhaust will also be cast right into it so it will be a real tight clean system.

My friend works for an insulation company, he is going to give me some sort of crazy light weight and dense 2" foam that can handle upto 2500 deg so I think I can line my floor with that instead of bricks and air channels. That will save a couple hundred pounds. Lots of thoughts.
I really like having a new project.
11 years ago
Hello. I will tell you I am not an expert and have only built a test unit out side but have been doing alot of research. You can not reduce the pipe or you won't have the correct flow for your gasses, if you needed to be at 6" for the exhaust, the whole system needs to be 6". Plus the math for your riser and feed tube need to be correct for a good draw, also the gap between the riser and the barrel.
Since you already built your core , just change to 8 " and see what happens. I am sure that will fix your problems.
Good luck
11 years ago