Chad Meyers

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since Oct 16, 2013
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Recent posts by Chad Meyers

We have a 1 acre lot, the home is on the corner, so most of it is dedicated to land. We live Right Here in Canada Nova Scotia.

Question part 1;
How much land would you recommend having to raise a single pig? or should we get at least two? (is it a bad idea as far as the social aspect of the pig goes to have just one)

We want pigs for both meat and to aid in working the land. (for a pond, and ground preparation)

Question part 2;
Regarding Pig breed, my wife is very interested in the Mangalitza pigs for their cold hardiness and great bacon taste. We are concerned however about where we might get some and how to go about avoiding inbred pigs. We are also interested in breading the pigs. Can you speak to the best way to get your male and females and patterns to prevent inbreeding them. (We are not looking to farm them out, or become producers, just have enough for ourselves, and some friends and family. Like one litter each year. As always, mostly just the way nature would do it.)

10 years ago
web design is what my wife and I do. Unless you want to come to Canada for a stay (and we have room) we would communicate by email. (skype/jabber as well if you like)

Our site if you are interested -

We pride ourselves on small businesses and organizations. Our rates are very reasonable (under priced by a lot compared to many others, I just don't feel right billing more)

enjoy your travels.
11 years ago