Deno McFez

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since Oct 22, 2013
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Thanks to all the feedback.

To add more info about this twilight zone story .......

This all happened in August. The weather was normal patterns. Feed was the same. Chickens are healthy. Yes......this past week the "ladies" have been in molt, that that has nothing to do with the sudden overnight stoppage of laying.
Having answer those questions......I will try a few more of the suggestions given. That hay could had been when I removed it....perhaps the mold spores contaminated the coop over night. Will bleach it out after a soapy clean out. Will come back to give you (the great advisers) the results.
11 years ago
First of all....great site here!

We have 63 chickens of mixed variety. 3 non combative roosters. Age is 14 months and the second flock is 10 months. These ages are three months ago BTW.
We were given 9 bales of junk hay (still bundled) that came out of a goat pen....smelled stale. No smell of mold. That night I replaced all the nesting material with this stuff.....the next day there was a zero egg count. We were getting 18 to 24 per day. Very few eggs here and there each week "less than 18". Am desperate to resolve the issue. Thanks
11 years ago