Jeff Lewis

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since Oct 26, 2013
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Howell, MIchigan
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Recent posts by Jeff Lewis

Do you have aNY advice, for people, about zoning, for tiny houses?

9 years ago
Hi and glad to have you here. I've been wanting to get into aquaponics. Worried about power loss. What are your thoughts on battery back up?

9 years ago
HI Bob and welcome. What have you heard about making Biodiesel, from algae? have they made any progress?


9 years ago
the ratio is 1 to 1. sometimes if a lot of water, is in the oil, you might get an intermix layer, that can be processed separately, other than that you should get 1 for 1.

9 years ago
I had not problem downloading the manual, this time. Thanks for all your time and the candy.

Hey what about using kiln bricks for the J tube and burn chamber? Thoughts
11 years ago