Watershed Management Group (a USA based non-profit organization) is offering a virtual field study class on composting toilet systems. The class is scheduled for Thursday, July 9th, 5pm-7pm (MST).
Learn all about the humanure composting process, associated benefits and use, toilet design options, maintenance, and permitting (in Arizona, USA) for planning your own composting toilet. A variety of composting toilet systems will be explored including two site-built design options in use at our Living Lab and Learning Center (Tucson, Arizona) - a 55-gallon barrel option and a masonry dual-chamber option.
Learn more and register here:
The instructor will be Catlow Shipek, WMG's Policy and Technical Director & Co-Founder who led a 2-year pilot funded by the US EPA focused on eco-sanitation which led to the state of Arizona approving the two pilot reference designs for both residential and non-residential use.
See a primer: