Barry Fitzgerald

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since Nov 12, 2013
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Welland, Ontario, Canada
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I would go for the 25 cc motor and see what pressure you get with 600 feet of hose, I would expect with that amount of hose the pressure drop in the hose may solve the problem on it's own. If you still want to reduce it more use a valve at the outlet of the pump, water will circulate in the pump and as long as you have flow it will be fine. Note that if you use a nozzle on the end of the hose and shut off the flow, then the water in the pump will heat up.
8 years ago
I have used a stepper motor for the generator and get 24 volts with a good wind. This motor has 2 phase AC output so it needs a rectifier to convert it to DC. I am using 14" blades.
You could also try a 90 VDC servo motor which may be easier for you to find. Old treadmills use this motor. The trick is to match it to a set of blades to give you the output you want.
9 years ago
Steve, Your description does not make sense. You either have a 3 phase AC motor or a DC motor. ( You can not have a 3 phase DC motor) Give me the motor nameplate data and I might be able to give you some suggestions.
9 years ago
I am in the Niagara area and there are quite a few people keeping them around here. They are often advertised on Kijiji, check your local Kijiji.
9 years ago
I let a pollination service use my land for hive locations. Ten feet has been a safe distance for me from the honey bees. In late autumn the hives attract Yellow Jackets that try to raid the hives, they are very aggressive.
9 years ago
Yes a few ducks would destroy your pond and yard in short order.
9 years ago
A 3000 watt generator rated at 48 Volts would have to produce 62.5 Amps at the rated RPM.
If your wind speed was half of the rated speed, you should expect something like one quarter of the output wattage.
This is not an accurate calculation as it is probably even less than that, I would have to find the exact specs for your set up, as it probably could not reach half of the 450 RPM with half the wind speed.
10 years ago
I also had fussy pigs, they would not eat turnips, broccoli or cabbage. They did like fresh corn, the whole plant.
I would suggest you try cracked corn as it should soak up water a lot faster than whole corn. I never actually fed it so that is just my guess.
10 years ago
I think induction generators are a problem, I would prefer a synchronous permanent magnet type. The only application I have come across using an induction set up was a hoist, it ran as a motor to raise the load and a generator to lower a heavy load. It worked within it's limits but it was 3 phase and if you exceeded the limits on lowering it would run away. I imagine a single phase unit like you have would be a lot worse.
10 years ago
Hi John, Where are you located? I would not like to farrow in the winter time around here without a nice warm barn.
I am having a problem with the math. You stated your property can hold 15 large hogs, and you want to farrow every month. I realize commercial operations aim for 3 farrowings a year from a sow but 2 is better in the long run. So 1 boar + 6 breeding sows + an inventory of min 48 piglets from 0 to 6 months of age=55 pigs. I don't know how to work that, but let us know if you find a way.
10 years ago