Garrett Wilmer

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since Nov 13, 2013
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Recent posts by Garrett Wilmer

Thanks for the heads up! I plan on getting all the proper certification and clearances. Good thinking though!
11 years ago
How many people are in your group? I'd love to meet some people in the area!
11 years ago
Excellent!! Send me a message with you email and we can talk some
11 years ago
Thanks for the warm welcome! Well I planned on originally having them to just feed myself and my family, but later turned to them as a source of income for things like property taxes and whatnot. I want to be as off the grid as possible. Eventually the idea grew and grew until its where its at now! My kickstarter will be going live next week so fingers crossed it gets funded! I'm not relying on it, but it would speed things up substantially.
11 years ago
Hey there! I'm looking for people OBSESSED with self sustainability! I'm gathering a small group of like minded people and would like to find some additional people here! So if you are in the area or would relocate, shoot me a message! Our source of income would be free range, organic chickens and we would be as self sustainable as possible. I really hope to hear from some of you!
11 years ago
Good afternoon! My name's Garrett and I'm new here. I'm going to be starting a small free range chicken operation in Minnesota in the Spring, just outside of Lake Superior. I didn't know if anyone would be interested in starting an eco-village as I will have plenty of additional land. No weird cult-y vibes, just good, simple living. But anywho, I would like to be as self sustaining as humanly possible so even if you just want to bounce ideas back and forth I would love to hear from you! Thanks for your time!
11 years ago
Good afternoon! My name is Garrett and I am currently looking for like-minded young people that are interested in a completely self sustainable existence. We would brainstorm, plan and execute. I am currently going through the process of getting a business loan and would love to get some more people involved. Even if you aren't ready to go off the grid, I would love input! I'm thinking about documenting each step and submitting it to the local paper as updates/publicity. My current plans revolve around an organic chicken farm and organic bed and breakfast. It should be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to test out all the things we read and research about! So what do you say? Lets have some fun!
11 years ago
I am looking to start a business, an organic bed and breakfast and free range chicken farm. Im looking for a potential partner, or at least someone interested in self sufficient living and willing to try it out. I'm pretty hardcore about it, as far being self sufficient. Currently going throu the process of a business loan. I'm a 25 yr old male from Omaha,Ne but moving to near Des Moines. I'm a really good guy and super imaginative. Cntact and we can talk more!! I've got pictures.
11 years ago