Alisa Esposito

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since Nov 17, 2013
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Recent posts by Alisa Esposito

Hi Steven, it’s been a little while since you posted. If you’re still open to meeting new people, you can contact me at - we’ve a lot on common, I love your vision...
5 years ago
I would love to discuss more with you! We are seeking as well. And taking major steps toward starting a field school.
Check out our website:
All the best, Alisa~
10 years ago
Thanks Andrea! I will pm you here.
11 years ago
I have these available if anyone is looking. Asking $4 per pound plus shipping. Grown organically, plants were huge with lots of beautiful flowers. Been picking and eating all winter. Can't possibly eat them all.
LMK. Thanks!
Kirsten, we are in nearly exactly your boat, only we are on the coast of NC. We are seeking our tribe, really, in nearly exactly the manner you have expressed above. I could have written your post myself. If you would like to talk further about possibilities, would you pm me? Our website is We have agreed to stay here provided we find ourselves able to connect with hard-working, like-minded community right here on our land, but if we cannot, we are ready to relocate (I think I am ready sooner rather than later). To me, permaculture starts with community. If you'd like to get to know each other better, let's connect.
Loved reading your post. Thanks!
Please check out our website:

We're a permie, waldorfy-unschooling family of 5. We've got 6 acres and have done a lot already, but there is always so much more to do--we've got all kinds of plans and intentions, and we've learned that can't do it all alone.

If you like what you see on our website, and would like to talk more about joining in here, please PM me. Aside from all listed on the website, we are getting into rabbits and bees as well.

We are ISO like-minded permie families who can work hard, and play hard, with us. There's harvest and abundance to be had, when we work and share together.

<3 Alisa~

11 years ago
Hi Greta,
I am interested in communicating with you more about your ideas and plans. Please visit our farm's website in the meantime. I look forward to hearing from you!
11 years ago