brad millar

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since Nov 20, 2013
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Kooskia, ID
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Recent posts by brad millar

First time making one of these. It was fun. It turned out pretty good.
4 years ago
Got some unwanted fence removed the other day.
4 years ago
I haven’t carved one of these in a while. Thought it would work for this pep badge bit. This is apple wood.
So, I think I picked up the oddball sand badge with the two post above.
5 years ago
Got another one here. The 4 wheeler didn’t come with a winch so I installed one. Harbor freight had a deal on one but it didn’t just bolt on. I had to fabricate a mounting plate and bracket.
5 years ago
I’m submitting the repair of this generator as part of the oddball badge. Someone (me) forgot to check the oil in the generator before running it. The bearing on the connecting arm ended up seizing. It was a $40 lesson that could have been more if I wasn’t handy. It took me 4 hours to do repair it. If taken to a shop it would have taken a pro 2 hours to repair.
I have a video of the generator running, but couldn’t upload it.
5 years ago
I’m working out of state right now. Was able to take a couple quick pics while working. It’s not one of every scoop of dirt, but you can see there was a lot more then three scoops out of that hole.
5 years ago
I’ve never had an issue growing sunflowers with anything. Just plant what you normally would plant. Chop the sunflowers as they come up if you like.
5 years ago