Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Brendan Dunne

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since Nov 20, 2013
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Recent posts by Brendan Dunne

Tyler: That is a pretty cool product

Joshua: I definitely agree that thermal mass will help to a large extent, maybe having 5gal buckets of cool water in a room or to use as a seat will be effective.
I have thought recently about a fridge that opens from the top to alleviate some of the lost cold air whenever we open it ( 10+ times a day)
I guess using the air under your house as the intake for a fridge or A/C for that matter would decrease the load of those machines

Peter: I actually just put my laptop battery that i rarely use in the fridge as per my software engineer friends advice, and was then in the attic looking at all the things that are butted up against the uninsulated roof that get torched every summer and have no doubt degraded from that.
6 years ago
    So I watched Wheaton on permaculture voices last night and then his 72 bricks video for like the fifth time, which is one of my favorites. I always liked the heat the person not the room idea and have applied that to my bedroom/work area. however I am in central california right outside of Sacramento in a town called Roseville, where the winter temps might get below freezing for  a few days a year, but the summer temps will stay at or above 95 for to two months. (we just had four of the last seven days get above 100 and its not the classic hot period quite yet).

       So I have been brainstorming and cant think of too many ways that one can cool a person and not a space. All I have is; jumping in a pool (not a fan of getting the carpet and my desk and chair wet), Using a fan (obvious and useful, but I have sensitive sinuses and this often causes a lot of pressure) and using a soaked buff ( which is like a light scarf that can go around the neck or head, this is my favorite currently).
   My more zany ideas were a cooling seat, maybe something like these ice water pumping units that are used in sports rehabs, or sometype of concrete chair that would suck the heat out of ones body.
   I was hoping to avoid lots of convection ( fans or moving air) as this would increase drying which is another major issue in this heat, and use less direct moisture as these applications wouldnt fair well in a majority of office settings and could lead to minor damage ( wet furniture, documents, clothing, creating mold and fungal issues). I know its a tough and precise request, but i know there are tons of creative and intelligent individuals on these boards, any and all input is welcome.
8 years ago
I recently read the Humanure Handbook which was great read with tons of good rationale on recirculating a vastly abundant resource. I however am a little nervous about using wood chips or shavings as a carbon stock as it is one of our most overharvested resources, and would be difficult to produce locally. Any ideas on a more sustainable stock to balance the high nitrogen ratio of humanure? soil would be a thought as it is widely available,and has the necessary microbiology to kickstart the composting process. It would however make the necessary temperatures to safely mitigate the potential biohazards of human fecal matter in the soil much more difficult to reach due to its high density. Any thoughts?
8 years ago