Tony Flint

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since Nov 25, 2013
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Recent posts by Tony Flint

tel jetson wrote:well, I got as far as finding out that the router in the shop works off of .mpf files. what format are the plans coming in?

Thanks tel for looking into this. It looks like, from the project page, the files are in .3dm, .stl, and .dxf formats. From this page it looks like the .mpf format is associated with 'Siemmens[sic?]' CNC routers. I started a thread on the OSBH forum to ask about this.
10 years ago

Kelly Smith wrote:
i saw your thread. ~$200 for just the cutting is higher than i thought it would be. i was hoping it would be under $100 + the cost of wood (~$50 per sheet is a good estimate).
do you know if the place you contacted had to tweak the file at all? as i understood it, i would give someone this file and a 4x8 sheet of plywood and off we go.... doesnt seem like its that easy, unless i missed something.

The one quote I've received was $280+tax for the first hive and $200+tax/ea after that (plywood included). I'm imagining (hoping?) that the Seattle shops are pretty much as expensive as it gets. They reviewed the files and didn't comment on them one way or another - I've asked them for some feedback on them. Did you find the shops you got in touch with on the maker map? The OSBH people seem like they might be able to find somewhere too. Good luck!
10 years ago
Got a quote from $280+tax for the first hive, and then $200 each. This includes plywood.
10 years ago

tel jetson wrote:there's at least one CNC router at the shop I work in. it sits idle most of the time. I'll check to see if it's available for a project like this.

too late for a group buy this swarm season, but I know of another hive builder with pretty good prices...

Woah, thanks Tel! Both of these things would be grand! I'd love to know more and to support permies and their shops/hive building connections.
10 years ago
I'm talking to several fabrication shops around Seattle and seeing if other folks want to join in on this thread.

So far the OSB folks haven't released the Warre hive models for the router, but it sounds like they will this week. Kelly, how goes your fabrication quest?
10 years ago
Is anyone interested in doing a 'group buy' of hive fabrication done in the Seattle area?

As mentioned in this thread, I am getting quotes from local CNC fabrication shops that can turn sheets of plywood into Warre/top bar hives. So far, prices range from around $250 for one hive reducing to around $200 or less for more than one, depending on quantity. These prices do not include materials (which, far as I can tell, are just plywood).

Also, I'm looking at hives from beethinking in Portland. Their Warre hives are around $219 online but are significantly cheaper if purchased in store. I'm having one built and picked up by a friend next week. If there's significant interest, perhaps we could do a group buy from them?

Here are the shops I've found so far that look to have the capabilities: (425) 289-6311 (206) 457-8968 206-357-9406 (425) 483-7364

I'll update this thread with pricing info as I receive it.
10 years ago
This series was amazing. I am now building/buying/scrounging up hives to start my first apiary. Thank you dearly to Paul and Jacqueline and Adrien and everyone else involved in producing it.

Also, after hearing Paul's interpretation of mason bees at 1:06:45, I now wish to be reincarnated as one.
This project which has already reached its funding goal, is offering crazy high tech beehives (including sensors, and 'printable' plans for hives).

Anyone heard of this?
10 years ago
Jason, this is awesome and inspiring. How did the late autumn sown seeds do? Please do keep us updated with how things went and how they progress this growing season.
10 years ago
I was lucky enough to catch this session at the conference. It was fantastic - full of usable, actionable information (the what/how/when) along with the benefits (the why). Thank you Adam for sharing your experience, and thank you to all of the folks who chimed in on this thread for refining and adding to it.

Adam, I had a few follow up questions.

1. You mentioned needing excellent pasture due to the dietary needs of a cow in milk. Were your pastures already in good enough condition when you got there? Did you do anything to improve them prior to putting the cows on them (reseeding, running sheep over them, etc.)?
2. You mentioned raw milk yogurt during the presentation. When I was volunteering on a small raw milk dairy around here I tried to make yogurt without heating it above 115F. I ended up with something delicious, but it was not yogurt (it separated into a tangy kefir-like consistency). Would you mind sharing your technique?
3. How much pasture do you have and how much do you think would be required to run a viable cow share dairy? Of course, it depends on pasture quality/climate/etc - let's assume your exact conditions but shrinking your farm. How much smaller could it be and still be viable, do you think?

Thanks again!
10 years ago