Hi, new-ish-bie here. I have only been lurking for quite some time.
I have one little true comfrey plant I grew from a seed. It is now in the ground in Hot Phoenix, in mostly shade. It does need regular deep watering.
I also have some of the cultivar (which one I cannot remember) grown from roots. If they don't get water several times a day they wilt. Even with very deep watering, they still wilt badly. They are also in shade! I have read that they have very deep roots, so it seems with deep watering they would do better. They are in their second summer and it doesn't look like they are ever going to amount to much.
The biggest reason I planted comfrey was to feed the chickens their high nutrients. They chickens don't like them due to the fuzzy leaves! I hope they will like the true comfrey.
After you-all harvest your seeds, I would love to buy some from you. ernie 85017 at cox dot net.
I am jealous of those of you who live in parts of the US that has actual soil, not the caliche I have here. Composting, mulching, etc, is slowly improving the soil. Very slowly.