curt mcknight

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since Dec 06, 2013
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Recent posts by curt mcknight

thanks c. lettelier. this was helpful.
11 years ago
r.scott, thanks for your post q.
i need a small air pump: less than 10 watts, 1 amp.
i am making a airlift water pump for my natural swimming pond.
11 years ago
I'm having a hard time locating a dc voltage air pump to connect directly to a solar panel for my pond. Any suggestions appreciated. Curt
11 years ago
hi Miles,
it is an exciting project. trying to keep it cheap and low impact.
11 years ago
thanks for the help marcos and benji. yes, i planned to wire directly and avoid the cost of the battery, controller and inverter. from what i understand so far, the intent is to move the water slowly from the pool area to the plant area. so i don't need a continual, rapid flow. maybe 4-6 hours a day.
11 years ago
I'm in the process of constructing a natural swimming pond. The key requirement is that half the surface area be plant life that filters the water. so, the desgn I have in mind is to run a pump from the pool water to the surrounding plants. the pump i am considering is a dc, 24 v, 3 amp, 72 watt 3gpm, shurflo 2088. now i am searching for the solar panel and am overwhelmed a little by the choices out there. the prices seem to vary a bit as well. any input appreciated.
11 years ago