Hello permies people: I have recently built a TMRS and have no benchmark to judge it by. My design is taken from Ianto's book - an 8" "J" design, with a 2" gap between top of heat riser(fire brick)and the barrel lid. I was careful to maintain a 7x7" configuration throughout the system which is routed up through the roof rising 1 foot above the ridge.. I can only achieve 300 -325 degrees F. and find that wood splits longer than 12-14" tend to smoke (i am using seasoned fir. I have come to suspect that perhaps I have a flow restriction at the base of the heat riser where the exhaust meets the thermal mass manifold (8" "T" cleanout. When I look in thru th cleanout I see a 3/4 -7/8" gap between the hardware cloth and the leading edge of the manifold T. Could this be my problem (assuming 300F is below potential ) The thermostat is located 2"below the top of the barrel. Lets talk Kip