Liz Such

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since Dec 17, 2013
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Hey guys, I'm feeling pretty hopeless looking at how hard it is to build in my state of Georgia. I live North of Atlanta and have been looking at land in the Dawsonville County and Pickens County because they're about an hour away from work and land is within our price range. I have been dreaming about building with cob for years and did a workshop in Tennessee.

We're finally getting out of debt this year (college paid off, credit cards empty etc, car payment ending in April) and I was so excited to look at land to purchase. Right now I am doing training for my job (reality selling overpriced modern houses) and not making any money for a few months. We just entered middle class with a sole income of 60k after years of both of us doing minimum wage or close to it. So now I'm wondering if there's even a way to make our home...

I feel really blessed with the new income and our new jobs but also upset because it's looking like it's not legal to do a cob homes and I really don't want to live a life paying off a huge mortgage. I want to build free and live free with animals and a garden etc. Currently we have no children, but I'd like to find a way to get the home county approved for child-adoption purposes in the future.

It's like we got to the finish line with our income increase and ran into red tape I'm worried we can't break through.

There's plenty of unrestricted acreage north of us but I suppose that means the building codes still apply, but build whatever structure (industrial/agriculture/mobile home) you want? I've sent messages to realtors of these counties and haven't heard back yet.

Does anyone know an engineer to hire in GA sympathetic to the alternative building movement?
We can't move as we have no savings and our jobs are both in GA....

Thank you guys for your time, sorry about writing such a novel... just feeling a bit emotional about it all
10 years ago
Hello! I am a beginner grower and I have some really newbie questions.

I have been growing with organic soil and organic seed solely indoors, but now I have to move. Growing only indoors is no longer an option really since I want to grow so much more than just at my windows. Anyway the problem is that my neighbor uses roundup and a bunch of chemicals to have a perfectly green lawn of nothing but grass for a acre. I'm building a greenhouse out of pallets, to prevent any chemicals from getting in my soil from the constant chemicals. I would also like to start a hive of bees too, and I was wondering if there are any precautions for organic growing next to roundup that I should be using. Will the bee's be okay? Will my plants?

Also the soil in the location I am building the greenhouse has had roundup too, but I have been using separate store bought organic soil and am trying to grow vertically so I can grow more.
11 years ago