Hello, first a big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to this empire! Paul you and your crew are doing EPIC things and I really appreciate all your hard work. Anyway, it appears that these types of pseudo-sciences are running rampant and we need people to stand up and call these people out...much like Bill Mollison has done in the past when he asked, "Can you clearly define what sustainability means?". Because seriously, people who use green-washing techniques and buzzwords in order confuse, instill fear, etc...to push their, shall we say "economic agenda?" are in fact professional liars and b.s.'rs. And they need, at the very least, to be told to go home and read a book...do their research and stop spewing inaccurate poorly researched (if at all) "facts" So again, thank you...I know the bs that mainstream hegemony is perpetuating is more than frustrating and needs to be addressed and dismantled when appropriate. So this podcast strikes me as is one of those instances. So again, right on, keep up the good work.
I was wondering if anyone has read The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith? I believe this book does an excellent job illustrating why (with few personal exceptions) vegetarianism is just that, a myth.