Diana Robertson

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since Dec 28, 2013
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Just moved from Waldport, OR to Pismo Beach, CA
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Recent posts by Diana Robertson

What a great what a great idea for a book – Linda – thank you! And it's really fun to see your 2 legged and four-legged family included in the promotional video.
9 years ago
Hi Graham,

Thank you for teaching us how to live in harmony with other sentient beings on this earth!
9 years ago
Paul and Jocelyn, thank you so much for taking the time to do some more podcasts and to update us on what is happening at the Lab - over the past few months, the Permies podcasts have become a very important part of my day!
That's a really interesting article, Paul – thanks for posting it! Blood is such a precious, nutrient-rich resource – allowing it in the poopers or diverting it for special comosting use, seems like a great idea. I believe it is also a beautiful way for us all to reconnect with our part in the web of life.
10 years ago
thanks, Paul...which email address do I enter?
I would like to order 2 packs of cards, one mug and one T-shirt (if you have one in a women's large or men's medium size), but I can't see how to access Paul's Richsoil PayPal account.
Thanks, Julia - yes, hopefully some new folks will learn about Permies and permaculture!
10 years ago
Congratulations, Paul – Permies rule! Did you win a prize?
10 years ago