Sandy Prager

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since Jan 22, 2014
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Recent posts by Sandy Prager

We have a Malabar chestnut. I planted it about 10 years ago. It's very close to our lanai, but no root problems. It's quite nice when we sit by the pool when it's flowering. The flowers are striking! Right now there's at least 30 pods on the tree. Each pod containing up to 12 nuts. I try to pick the pods right before they split and the nuts fall. Critters love them! Plus, I've found the germination rate very high. Pain pulling them all out. To pick, I go by when the pods start to get a duller brown rather than the shinier green. I've roasted, eaten them raw, used in stir frys, made salad dressing with them (one of my favs). And it survived hurricane Ian as well as any of our 60 fruit trees! Hardy, beautiful, fruitful. What more can you ask for?
7 months ago
I've been buying from them for years. Hands down the best! Great group of folks there as well. My only gripe is that they haven't made a t-shirt with their logo available. Would that be great on a t-shirt or what?
6 years ago
I ordered 9 sq. yards of soil yesterday, and today 9 sq. yards was delivered but it was compost. Though it's really good quality, now I have 9 sq yards of compost, plenty of mulch and wood chips, but no soil for the sheet mulch beds I planned on making tomorrow. If it were just veggies going in, I think I'd be fine with it, but they're fruit trees that are being planted. Mango, guava, fig, avocado, pitamba, and cinnamon. Some comfrey and pigeon pea as well. Any suggestions? Would anyone out there just use the compost without soil? Why? Or why not?
9 years ago