Meran Moore

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since Jan 24, 2014
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Coos Bay, Oregon
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Recent posts by Meran Moore

I didn't know where else to take this. My landlord, who just happens to be my sister-in-law and lives right next door, just sprayed Roundup all over the driveway, the flower beds, and the edge of my foundation. How do I deal with this? Can I neutralize it? She didn't even check if my cat was outside and my son is outside playing with her daughter. I can already feel it burning in my throat. What is wrong with people? I'm so angry right now! P.s. I'm bringing my son in.
9 years ago
I'm looking to start a permaculture food forest next year when we can get our land we've been eyeing. I really want to go to a hands on course to get some experience before I dive in head-long. The issue is that I have a four year old son who I have to take with me. Does anyone know of a place that would be willing to have a little hobbit sized helper (he's really well behaved)?
10 years ago
I don't think it's even picking them up. It's the worst vacuum I've ever seen. When I went over a pile of cat litter that got spilled it flung it back into my feet instead of sucking it up.
10 years ago
I've been completely infested with fleas and nothing is working. We've bombed. We've sprayed. We've bathed the cat. We tried drops (which almost killed him). And recently we tried DE. It's not doing anything. How much do you have to put down to kill the little buggers? I did a fine layer just like everyone says and we're still being eaten alive. It's supposed to kill them but I've only noticed an increase in them and how many bites my preschooler gets when he plays on the floor. I've vacuumed and that doesn't help either. (I possibly have the world's dumbest vacuum-it doesn't even suck in the same compartment as the brush head.) Help me out here. What am I doing wrong?
10 years ago
All I keep seeing is people talking about woven plastic bags, which can be pretty expensive. I've found a source for burlap coffee bags that are relatively cheap (about 80 cents per 30"x40" bag). Would these be durable enough to make a home with or would they degrade too fast? burlap bags
11 years ago
Thanks for all the ideas. We get an average of over 300 inches of rain a year in Oregon. It's literally a temperate rain forest. There's an old joke that goes around... I love the summer in Oregon, it's the most beautiful 30 minutes of the year! But joking aside, I think I have decided how to manage the rain on my compost. I'm going to build my bins withs rremovable roof. Probably just a sheet of corrugated plastic that I can clip into place when it starts pouring cats and dogs. Then when the sun comes out I can easily remove it.
11 years ago
I'm planning on moving to the Coos Bay area on the Oregon coast this summer and building a small home off the grid. A composting toilet is part of the plan. I'm a little concerned about the humidity and the quantity of rainfall we'd get on a regular basis. Would it be enough to cause issues with composting? If we built a roof over the bins would that be sufficient to protect every thing from getting too soggy? I dread mold. Does anyone have some experience with moist weather? I need some advice.
11 years ago
Would it be feasible to make a small version of this to heat just enough water to wash a sink full of dishes? I'd love to have one in my kitchen. I was thinking of a 5 gallon bucket or a propane tank that's been refit, instead of a 40 gallon water tank. Do you think the water would be inside the coils long enough to reach a nice temperature? And then, would that be big enough to have a shower off the same system later? or a bath? I guess I just want my hot water now, not an hour from now.
11 years ago