Ej Hurst

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since Feb 12, 2014
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Thanks for sharing this Burra Maluca. EJ
9 years ago
Please do take advantage of our sale! Also, we are giving away a small gift each day on our blog - handy tips, recipes and chapter downloads of selected books. I have to put today's up now which will be a recipe for Holiday Cheese Torte from Gianaclis Caldwell's upcoming book, Mastering Basic Cheesemaking.
9 years ago
Thanks John. That is really helpful. I just planted Kale and squash. We are in the Pacific Northwest so quite different to Georgia but the soil was already warm enough for squash. I will let the kale go to seed and see where we end up next year. Good to know about adding biomass. I have piled all the weeds from beside the bed on top.
9 years ago
There are lots of instructions on how make a hugekulture bed but how do you use it? I get the idea of letting deep rooted plants grow on top to draw up nutrients from below but what do you do with them once they are grown? How do you prepare the bed for planting the next year if it no dig?
9 years ago
Thanks! I also wondered about letting the pressure down? And yes, we have a pilot bus project which is run by volunteers. We are trying to demonstrate that we have the ridership to be included in the regional transit system of nearby Nanaimo city. Here is a link to our G.E.R.T.I.E. - Gabriola Island Environmentally Responsible Trans-Island Express. http://gabriolacommunitybus.com/
Gertie was also the name a beloved wooden folk art statue that used to grace our ferry parking lot until she succumbed to a severe case of dry rot so the bus is named in her honour.
10 years ago
This is what the son with fat bike tires aspires to! Here is what they get up to when they can't get to town with their bikes on the bus

Now I just have to get them digging in the garden
10 years ago
My son rides a dirt jumping bike with tires too big to fit in the bus rack. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to make it fit? Thanks!
10 years ago