Mike adams

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since Feb 15, 2014
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Recent posts by Mike adams

Hello All,

I have been forest gardening for the last 5 years with many successes and failures. I also have goats, chickens and well fertilized annual beds that have become too weedy.  Realized that I can not do everything myself, especially with all the other projects I have going on. Open to any new ideas. So, if there is anyone out there in the area who has any advice, is willing to help out in any way, or would like to visit let me know. You can email me at warfare_music@hotmail.com, but I will be checking back here periodically.

Mike Leonard
Northborough MA
2 years ago
I bought a bunch of trees last year and most of them are doing well, however there is an apple and pear tree that have only grown shoots at the top no more then 2-3 inches. Any idea why this may be and what (if anything) should be done.

10 years ago
Hi there,

I am planting the following vegatables and am wondering which ones I will have to protect from my free range chickens at any stage of its development (besides harvest time for beans, cukes, tomatoes ect)

Corn, Beans, Jeserulem Artichokes, Sweet Corn, Cucumber, Tomato, Potato, Sweet Potato, Sunflower, Squash, Carrots, Parsnips

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, I have a old abandoned pool in the back yard. It hasn't been in use for at least 5 years. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to water my plants with the water that is currently in the pool. If not I am thinking of draning it out and converting it into a rainwater storage tank, but I would much rather save the work and use the water currently in the pool if it is safe to use.

Thanks for any help.
10 years ago