Jess Jchavez

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since Feb 18, 2014
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Recent posts by Jess Jchavez

We were hoping to put in new shrubs and fruit trees this year. We are pretty new at this. We are in NM and there is concern that we will experience an intense drought this summer. Any thoughts on putting plants in during an expected drought? ALso does anyone put a sponge underneath where they plant a tree? If so what material do you use?

10 years ago

There was a long since dead black walnut tree in our yard when we bought the house. We have taken the trunk down. Is it possible to plant another tree or other crop in this place? If so what would be some good suggestions? Is there something to ammend the site to weaken the allelopathic properties? If the site is not suitable for growing other plants I am considering putting our path throught the area.
10 years ago
We have been spending the past year observing and planning and replanning our yard in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We are getting ready to implement our plan.
Are there any suggestion for places to get plants in town. At this point we are really considering prices of plants. Are there any plant sales that we should keep our eyes out for. Is there anyone out there who would like to barter for their projects? We are just beginning our process and would love to meet other people in town also.
10 years ago