Kris Cram

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since Feb 25, 2014
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I am down in southern California and I looked into using a compost toilet, the main thing I found in the code is there has to be a septic back up in case the compost toilet fails. One of those way the department that makes you sad gets their way. I saw a cabin down from my place that has a porta potty in the yard and asked about why it was there, they explained they have a compost toilet in their cabin but were allowed to have the porta potty as their backup. It just sits there locked and they probably just bought they shell. Hope this helps hang in there
10 years ago
Looks great Bart, looking forward to see everything come together into a visual/educational masterpiece. Thank you again for the opportunity to come out and fly a little, crash and little, and above all get some great knowledge and insight from some great folks who love permaculture
10 years ago