Krystle Evelyn

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since Feb 26, 2014
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Recent posts by Krystle Evelyn

I live in Washington. I can't post a picture right now, but it is a red stake in the ground with blue and pink markers.
10 years ago
I found stake/marker in the ground on my land that was labeled MGS Control. Does anyone know what it is about?
10 years ago
I'm considering some land in Cowlitz County WA for off-grid homesteading. Has anyone had experience with the water/mineral rights, etc for this county? Any other considerations for this county?
10 years ago
I just learned the the property I posted about is actually more a northeastern facing slope. Would this change the growing potential and type drastically? Or would it still be better to stick with things like berries and fruit trees?
10 years ago
Yes, I did mean north-facing. Here is a photo to show the degree of the slope. The slope continues up off the right of the photo.
10 years ago
I am considering some land that has a north-facing slope which is steeper in some areas and goes to level on others. Would I be able to grow a good variety of edible food by building terrace gardens along the slope? Would the north-facing slope limit me greatly on what I could grow?
10 years ago