Tim Robertson

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since Feb 26, 2014
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Has anyone observed negative or positive effects of different sizes of bat houses? Different placement? Different materials? Also, im curious about collecting and using the quano. Can anyone offer any insight on that matter? Thanks in advance for any information.
10 years ago
As a "barely scraping by" student, it wasn't a piece of cake coming up with the money for the ticket. On the other hand it was far from impossible. With an empty mason jar and burning desire to attend, i started putting away any money I could. Sometimes 20 bucks if a paycheck was big enough, sometimes only the change left in my pocket at the end of the day. With a few minor sacrifices and quite a bit less name brand lattes i was able to save enough for a ticket at the student rate after just a month. My point is, if this is as crucial to your personal future and career as it is to mine, you will find a way. I cant wait to attend, and I can't thank Diego enough for putting all this together.
10 years ago