I'm new to this forum and also have a huge moss problem.
I have a cottage in Northern Michigan that has a lawn the is probably 50% solid moss. It is a shady site, with a steep hill that leads down to the lake. So I have to be careful of what I put on the lawn as it could wash into the lake.
I can't tell you how much money I have spent trying to over seed to get the grass to grow. Now after reading this forum I feel really stupid.
I'm almost to the point of just accepting the moss because it does require no maintenance and feels great on your feet when coming out of the lake.
I have been mowing WAY to short. This is because we have a lot of beech trees that drop nuts and really hurt when you step on them in bare feet. So I have a tractor with bagger and cleans them up nicely. The main problem is the moss is terrible for high traffic areas.
I notice that where the shade stops and the sun hits the lawn the moss looses the battle to the grass. However the grass is very sparse and I need it thicker in the high traffic areas and on the hill for erosion control.
I have not had the soil tested yet but because of the high moss content I'm assuming it is low? So I need to add lime to help the grass and raise the mower blades. My concern is the lake. What happens if some of that lime ends up in the lake? Also because of the hill the soil could be very compacted. If I aerate on the hill will I risk a serious erosion problem?
Thanks for the advice.