Samuel Porter

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since Apr 01, 2014
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Hi I am looking for a community to join.I'm 25, male, 150 lbs. I am self employed as a sprout vendor, and I live with my parents. I sprout nuts, seeds, legumes, and sell them at farmers markets. I do garden work all the time. I have had 3 different internships over the past 2 years. My aunt is a master gardener and I work for her in exchange for knowledge and experience. I harvested 20 lbs of long leaf pine pollen last year and this year. I sell the pollen and its tincture. I am highly motivated. I have been practicing yoga for 6 years, can do a perfect head stand, continue to study, and have healed my slipped disk and sciatica. I love to buy and grow the best herbs and make herbal tinctures. I have radiant health. I love life. I love to forage for wild edibles, process, and store food for the winter. I can work long hours. I love very easily. I just want to help and be appreciated while working on myself.
Would I be a good addition? Could I earn my keep? Can I sprout there and sell somewhere close for income or trade? Can I live in a tent?
10 years ago
Hi I am looking for a community to join. I'm 25, male, 150 lbs. I am self employed as a sprout vendor, and I live with my parents. I sprout nuts, seeds, legumes, and sell them at farmers markets. I do garden work all the time. I have had 3 different internships over the past 2 years. My aunt is a master gardener and I work for her in exchange for knowledge and experience. I harvested 20 lbs of long leaf pine pollen last year and this year. I sell the pollen and its tincture. I am highly motivated. I have been practicing yoga for 6 years, can do a perfect head stand, continue to study, and have healed my slipped disk and sciatica. I love to buy and grow the best herbs and make herbal tinctures. I have radiant health. I love life. I love to forage for wild edibles, process, and store food for the winter. I can work long hours. I love very easily. I just want to help and be appreciated while working on myself.
Would I be a good addition? Could I earn my keep? Can I sprout there and sell somewhere close for income or trade? Can I live in a tent?
10 years ago