david lund

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since Apr 01, 2014
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Recent posts by david lund

I wonder how much mass (in terms of gallons) you would need to have stored water not freeze?  I have been looking at the big 1500 gallon tanks, wondering if it would have enough mass to not freeze solid, be able to still get water out in middle of winter...
2 years ago
Thanks for this, I am just starting to research cows to put on my new land.
3 years ago
A friend had sent me a link to ecominded a while back, to see some seeds.  I had no idea they made this hoe.

Very nice!

4 years ago

Travis Johnson wrote:Central Maine Diesel in Hermon,Maine

5 years ago

Travis Johnson wrote:I am pretty fortunate in that the heat side of what I need is already built. For me this is a form of hydronic heating. It basically is the two loop system I have in place, with a metering valve to help draw or temper what I have for heat in the primary loop. In short, all I need is hot water; 100 to 212 degrees, it does not matter how it is heated...solar, wood, pellet, coal, propane, oil, etc...it just has to be 100 degrees or above. As long as it as at the temp, then the main propane boiler will not come on.

My local dealer still has Lister Engines for sale. I would have an interest in them, but my dealer only showed a 6 HP version, but maybe they still have them from pre-ban days??? I am not sure, being in kit form also muddies the importation waters somewhat.

What I like about cogen is that for me, it is so easy to do. About the only real cost is in laying the tubing from barn (where I would house to generator) to my boiler, a distance of about 100 feet. I have the engine, generator and even fuel tank (275 gallons) ready to go. I am a little overpowered at 63 Hp for a 20 KW generator, but that is just excess fuel consumption. The only real complicated part is tying my excess power in with the grid. That is where I would recoup my money (return on investment), but if I did not do that, my cost would be incredibly cheap.

Travis, can you post or PM the name of the dealer near you?  Wanted to get some information if possible from them.


5 years ago

Ed Farmer wrote:Just gotta say, while in the city, the box store model has done well. Once we are onsite with a garden, we're gonna go to Cabelas. They may not be the cheapest but their Grinder we stepped up to from the beginning. I figure that the worst on machine are probably men. So I went to a hunting (Cabela's) store and never looked back.

Check in hunting forums for the timing, but the cabelas vacuum sealers go on big sales several times a year...

You can also often get nearly new vacuum sealers in thrift stores...

7 years ago
And here are some pictures with a gent who built this type of wall: http://www.touchtheearthranch.com/goatshed.htm

and a link he published that points to a study that says they could work for residential construction: http://www.touchtheearthranch.com/Modified-Tire.Wall.Test2.2.pdf. While not official, it does lend some credence to their use.

10 years ago
I was actually watching youtube videos on making sandals with tire treads and I found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE0GkBGyuZM which may be something fairly easy to construct, compared to other solutions...

Did you ever try your building plan plan by the way?

10 years ago