Gary Singleton

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since Apr 23, 2014
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Western Pennsylvania Zone 6A
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Recent posts by Gary Singleton

Ducks.... Been thinking of ducks again since I lost my pair of Indian Runners to a mink a few years ago. I don't recall them ever chomping on the comfrey much but there wasn't nearly as much of it back then. Thanks for the tip!
9 months ago
I'm aware of the potential of making the soil sterile but I figure I have boatloads of compost and other organic material to revitalize it afterwards. There's a portion of one bed where there are wood chips at least 12",  deep and it doesn't phase the comfrey. If I were an earthworm, sow bug, millipede, or other relatively mobile creature I'd be certain to find another domain to inhabit as the temperature increased. I don't know about all the other tiny critters like nematodes, bacteria, etc. But I would think that the soil would repopulate with those also eventually. The problem with chop & drop is I have way too much of that to do in other areas and I just can't seem to keep up with it.
9 months ago
I have a couple hugel beds that have been overrun with Comfrey (not the sterile kind). If I were to try and solarize these beds would I likely be successful in killing off the comfrey? There are some pretty deep rooted ones in there. Clear plastic is my best bet? Thanks!
9 months ago
I've decreed that they are wonderful and worth using. I put the entire contents into the food processor and blended it into a smooth paste. If it were a little more red colored it is highly reminiscent of Umeboshi plum paste which I've always enjoyed in minute quantities due to the salt content.
1 year ago
Thanks Christopher... the feeling is (was) mutual I guess.
1 year ago
I have had a quart each of lemons and limes that I preserved in salt years ago....... I mean like 25 years ago. They were on the back of a pantry shelf and forgotten for obviously a long time. They are brown and gelled which is normal from what I've read. There is nothing that looks like mold or anything else unsightly growing in there with them. They smell good and they taste good, though I haven't tasted more than a 1/4 t just to play it safe. I figure as long as they taste & smell good, and if a tiny bit doesn't seem to harm me, they should be okay.  I just hate to toss them as I consider them like a fine aged wine that just improved with age. Am I being stupid to think that? What do you all think?
1 year ago
I was going to try the same in zone 6 but didn't bother as I found some other local varieties that are growing here and I managed to get lots of rhizomes at a value price. I'm curious to see if you can get the seed to germinate though as I've read there are a lot of tricksters out there selling bogus bamboo seed. Good luck!
I recently inherited a large number of plastic grow pots. They're made in China and have no recycling number so I'm concerned about using them for plants intended for food.  I'm considering applying shellac to the interior surface, assuming it adheres well. Thus far in my search, I'm reading that shellac is considered a food safe surface sealant. Any thoughts appreciated!
Not exactly a pond question except this was found on my pond. I've just noticed today a number of these frozen images in the ice on my pond surface. I can't say that I've noticed them in previous winters. There's a number of them on my 1/3 acre farm pond and I'm curious what might cause them. They are rather beautiful and obviously so organic looking. Anyone seen this before or have a clue? Thanks!

1 year ago