Dan Woloz

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since Jul 15, 2014
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I have some varieties that Im hoping to get a solid ID on. If anyone could help Id greatly appreciate it. Thread here https://permies.com/t/232784/sunchoke-experts-positively-ID-varieties
1 year ago
Hi all. I am on the hunt for some positive ID for the sunchoke varieties I have. They were sold to me with a name but I suspect that some are not accurate or have been mixed up. Attached are some photos.
I've tried to research on my own but there is very little information online or in books about these varieties. I suspect there is confusion about variety names since I found the following conflicts: This website lists this sunchoke (one that I have, Exhibit C) as 'Red Fuseau' https://www.nortonnaturals.com/products/jerusalem-artichoke-red-fuseau-helianthus-tuberosus but thi others website lists that same sunchoke as 'Aurora Rubin' https://gardensforlife.ie/product/jerusalem-artichoke-aurora-rubin-pre-sale/ . Not sure which is accurate

'Fuseau' I believe means 'spindle' in French, referring to the spindly long growth habit of the tubers without knobbiness of other sunchokes. I also have White Fuseau and it is very much smooth and spindly without knobs. The sunchoke I have though that was labeled 'Red Fuseau' (Exhibit A as attached photo) has medium knobbiness and is not very similar to White Fuseau. The sunchoke I have (Exhibit C attached photo) _is_ actually similar to the tubers of White Fuseau (spindly and not knobby); so perhaps this is actually Red Fuseau??

I am very confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated

1 year ago

r ranson wrote:Hello and welcome.
I think you'll get more views and buys if you could tell us a  bit more about your shop, what country you are in, where do you ship to,  and your method.  

People here love supporting shops like yours.  But many people here are wary of things that look like spam (aka, just a link without any text or photos telling us why we should click)

Hi! Sorry about that, I posted this thinking it would get zero traction. Imagine my surprise :)

So, I'm Dan. We're a small family farm with 1 acre under cultivation of veggies, fruit and medicinal herbs 1hr north of San Francisco. . Can check out our Instagram to peek into our operation https://www.instagram.com/fouroakfarm

Thanks all for your support!
3 years ago
I got myself an inexpensive used stove to heat a small space. I'm thinking about constructing a single chamber bell on top of the stove (where there is a 6in outlet). I searched but haven't seen this done (possibly for good reason?)

Initial thought is to construct it of brick. A brick rectangle atop the stove with some kind of manifold back to 6in pipe

Thoughts on this? Ideas for a suitable manifold from brick to metal?
10 years ago
Having a lot of difficulty sourcing old clay bricks or refractory bricks. Wondering how long new bricks will last before they crumble
10 years ago
Hm good thought. 1 liter of water going from 60f to 120f expands 25ml. Not much. Tiny amount of air space should prevent expansion of the bottle, no?
10 years ago
Just a thought, tell me if it'd work

Instead of putting urbanite and rocks in the cob, put containers of water. The temps should be low enough that you could even use plastic. Water can hold much more heat than rock and would conduct well encased in cob.
10 years ago
Well I appreciate the colorful reply. I am a RMH convert though; definitely believe in its merits over other technologies. However, I'm unsure its suitability in our application after reading this passage from Iantos book:
"Where would I choose not to build a Rocket Mass Heater? ... In outdoor rooms or living spaces that are not well sealed. Such as teepees, tents, etc., the air heated by a Rocket would leave the building before you got a chance to enjoy it. Better maybe to put in a stove that delivers high temperature radiation, such as a barrel stove or a Rumford fireplace."
10 years ago