Richard Terrace

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since Aug 30, 2014
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Recent posts by Richard Terrace

Black locust is not common in BC and not seen at all in Rosswood. According to a study of trees in the province or has "escaped" in the lower mainland and there are a few in the interior but not the Northwest.

So do I bring in a useful but potentially invasive species or use an inferior (for my purpose) but native tree ..

Tough call

And thanks for the info on alder
10 years ago
Looking for a nitrogen fixer that can be used as firewood.

Black locust is seen as an excellent choice but is a non native species here in northwestern BC. Don't really want to be responsive for breaking up a natural ecosystem so looking for an alternative.

Alder is native and nitrogen fixing. Does anyone know if it coppices? Is it any good as firewood?

Thanks guys
10 years ago
Just thinking..

You are in Alaska .. In winter.. Have you considered a microchp system? In short co generation of heat and electricity. Your heater becomes a generator also.

Marathon engines makes a version. Designed for long term uses and for use in cold climates. Didn't think about it right away because my area isn't cold enough for cogen to be useful

Look up ecogen marathon engines and it should come up
10 years ago
Have you considered natural gas? I've seen some triple fuel (gas, propane, natural gas) generators. In BC natural gas is cheap and it's not going to liquefy on you regardless of temperature. Down side is tanks tend to be much larger and variable availability.

My anaerobic composter produced biogas which I've used for cooking but only as a pet project. I've heard people using in generators but no experience on that
10 years ago
Property details...

location... 20min from Terrace, BC in small community of Rosswood (pop 150 unincorporated)
at lot... electricity and telephone. Easy wellwater available.

land features... 40 acres flat but treed. 20 acres slightly sloping ending in very wet old growth
soil type.. sandy loam so not the best.
usda climate 7a so pretty good for Canada
long sunny growing season due to northern latitude
winters.. mild due to pacific ocean but short dreary days.

my thoughts on ownership for caretaker is : 1% upon starting work.
fractional based on property tax notice .. example.. land valued at 80000 currently. if improvements were valued at 80000 then it would be 50:50 ownership.

I agree a good relationship and spelling everything out in advance are really important. Thats why Im asking for contract basics and ideas
10 years ago
Thanks guys. I read the posts on modern day fiefdoms and co-op farming ... and a lot more as requested. Good information!

I'm leaning more towards more of a landlord / tenant contract though. I maintain ownership of the land but offer long term or lifelong leases to portions of the land. I just want to make sure I have a way to kick off someone who is grossly misusing the land. (I don't want a garbage dump and toxic waste sitting on any portion of the land).

Currently I'm thinking of maintaining ownership. Finding a 'caretaker' who would be given partial ownership in return for watching over things year round, then finding permies who want a cheap long term lease.

Any ideas would really be appreciated. Especially what would 'cheap' be for a long term lease? I saw one guy posting $150/month per acre for a 'clear your own' and make your own road non-services piece of land. That sounds pretty steep to me.

My property has road to the front, electricity to the lot, telephone to the lot and a round road going through it. I just want enough income to cover property taxes plus a bit for contingency fund ($20/acre?)

Thanks guys and gals.
10 years ago
New to the board but need ideas and you seem to be the people to ask.

I own 60acres in British Columbia which I purchased 8 years ago with the goal of starting a homestead.

Unfortunately things didn't go as planned and the project never started. However the area is so beautiful I don't want to sell.

I see lots of people who want to start their own homestead with no land.

There just has to be a way to connect so we can both win. However any deal has to be fair to both parties.

So the question is.. Anyone have ideas on standard contracts between homesteaders and landowners? I'd love to share the land with people who want to work it but don't want to end up with nothing in return.

10 years ago