Jerry Straight

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since Aug 31, 2014
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Don't use a humidifier! Use a dehumidifier as suggested in the article spawning this discussion.

Prompted by the article's mention of humidity for controlling fleas, I began paying attention. I have a cat that suffers from excessive licking. I didn't want to use steroids. From time to time, he gets better. As always during the summer, the air conditioner is being used a lot. So the humidity is kept low. And now I'm noticing that's doing him a world of good. I'm sure it's the reduced humidity. So I'm going to buy a dehumidifier for after the summer when occasionally the humidity rises. Problem with scabby cat disease (when caused by fleas) is that it takes weeks/months for the condition to get better or worse. And when you're talking about killing fleas by removing humidity, that adds more time. So it's very very difficult to understand what's going on, to see results.

I bought a humidity meter. Now going to buy a dehumidifier for when the summer is over and the air conditioner is off. Assuming it is in fact solving the flea problem... I just need to figure out how often and for how long to run the dehumidifier when the humidity is greater than 50%, to make sure fleas don't reproduce.

The dehumidifier uses significant electricity, but it also helps reduce mold and stuff.
10 years ago