hank mcgee

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since Sep 15, 2014
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Recent posts by hank mcgee

more pics. sorry for all the posts. my computer skills are on par with my gardening abilities
i have added several inches of water under the tray but it is not wicking. also the pods in the middle are staying very damp while the rest is dry. i used miracle gro seed starting mix.

should i start over or is this salvageable?

i have three types of tomatoes, peppers, basil, and cantaloupe.

the light is a T5 soft white with 1140 lumens. i think I need more light but the water issue is my main challenge
Hey everyone, this is my first post. I'm new to the idea of permaculture but thinking of starting small.

I've lived in this house over ten years but I plan on moving in the next couple years so I don't want to spend a fortune on this yard.

These weeds come back every year. I think a lot of it is Japanese bamboo or something like that. I recently tore it all out again as I do every so many years and was about to haul my last load to the street. But then I wondered if this brush could be put to any use.

I planted grass and now some grass is growing but its about equal weeds already coming back to take over. Any suggestions? As you can see, the neighbor's side is very bad. I've tried to cut all the trees on my side as far back as possible. My neighbor is to the west of me so my side gets all the sun it seems.

Thanks for reading and any suggestions.
10 years ago