Stefano Creatini

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since Sep 19, 2014
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I manage a 180 acre farm in Durango, CO featuring silvopasture, ponds, springs. I grow hemp, cut flowers, vegetables, and have a youtube channel.
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Recent posts by Stefano Creatini

I like what Laura was saying. Wood chips Wood Chips Wood chips. I have very heavy clay, and I've definitely seen huge improvements in 3 years where I laid down wood chips. The fungi will naturally grow in that environment. Radishes, turnips, comfrey, and even high biomass like oats will all help to grow. Comfrey has done so well in our heavy clay, sending tap root deep. Here in Colorado, its hard for it to grow wild, I would have more hesitation in your area.
3 years ago
Coils can work good, copper is expensive, I would move towards 3/4 in black poly piping. Also, its important to have a air blower into the pile if you are not going to be turning it.
3 years ago
I am looking for some of those varieties. It is hard to find. Have you had any success?
6 years ago
Yeah, it is a big slate. Its daunting at times, but I use systematic approach, where water and infrastructure are placed before trees and animals go in.
Thanks for interest, and I can video different aspects if you have topics you want me to focus on. I will start doing weekly updates on the farm, since a lot is going on.
6 years ago

In Durango, CO. We are building a silvopasture based farm scale permaculture farm. Just finished some large earthworks with 7+ acres of ponds.
6 years ago