Randi Embree

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since Sep 19, 2014
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My husband and I own 88 acres in the Willamette Valley that we are doing Permaculture Projects on as I work on my PDC. We keep cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens. I'm an herbalist and medicine maker and hope to start working our wool once I start working full time. We are also Grangers and are working on helping to get Oregon's restrictive land use laws changed so the Dept of Making Us Sad will leave us alone! The guys at the POOSH.org built their first earthship here!
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Silverton, OR
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Recent posts by Randi Embree

I didn't see hawthorn mentioned. Not sure about coppicing but they make a great hedgerow. We're encouraging them all over our place. Here's a bit from "A Modern Herbal"

Formerly the timber, when of sufficient size, was used for making small articles. The root-wood was also used for making boxes and combs; the wood has a fine grain and takes a beautiful polish. It makes excellent fuel, making the hottest wood-fire known and used to be considered more desirable than Oak for oven-heating. Charcoal made from it has been said to melt pig-iron without the aid of a blast.

3 years ago
We've had a bunch of it coming up and I've done some research and it seems like something to encourage. The Natives in these parts used it for food and oil. I've tasted the seeds, they are kind of bland. Was thinking to throw some out to encourage growth and using some like poppy seeds in baked goods. Experience?
10 years ago
Everyone, yes, please join you local Grange! I've been a member of Silverton Grange in Oregon for a dozen years and have recently joined the Keizer Grange to help revitalize it. The new OSG AG Director is a Green Granger...the times they are a changin...

If you want to see what some of us are up to you are cordially invited to this event:

For Immediate Release

Progressive Grange Sustainable Food Conference

November 7-9, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Road, Portland, OR 97229

A group of enthusiastic Grangers is planning a conference to promote the Grange as an organization

for people who want to learn more about, and support, sustainable food practices—from ending hunger

through Community Food Security programs, to finding ways to eat healthier, to supporting the small

farmers in our communities who produce local sustainable food.

The conference is open to all Grange members, and parts of it will be open to the permies. We encourage

all Grangers to find out more and invite your friends and associates to attend. Our goal is to build

Grange membership by offering information of interest to many groups, including urban farmers,

locavores (folks who prefer to eat locally-produced food), those interested in permaculture and organic

growing practices, and anyone who loves to eat!

The conference kicks off with a Grangers-only potluck on Friday, November 7, at 5 pm (we can’t have a

public potluck because of Washington County health rules). A public event will follow—a speaker and/

or a movie (details TBA).

Saturday morning and afternoon will include speakers and workshops on a variety of topics, including

Grange 101, Community Food Security (programs to end hunger), and more.

There will be a catered local/seasonal lunch on Saturday. Tickets will be available for the lunch, more

information will be available at http://www.teamweb.com/food

Sunday morning will begin with a local/seasonal breakfast, followed by summit sessions designed for

Grange members who want to become more active in their own Granges, in the State and National

Grange, and in their communities through promoting healthy eating, food security, sustainable growing

practices and more. One session will school us on Parliamentary Procedure as it applies to Grange


Please plan to join us for all or part of the conference. Arrangements for lodging may be available

through local Grange members if you don’t want to get a hotel/motel room. Find updates, and ticket

information at http://www.teamweb.com/food

Questions, please contact Virginia Bruce by email: vrb@teamweb.com or by phone at 503-803-1813.

But please remember I’m deaf so email is best!!
10 years ago