Hello all!
Just joined and am eating up the information here. So nice to find people who think along the same lines as I!
For 10 years I've been overseeding my lawn with yarrow and red clover. There are areas where I have beautiful, soft, lush patches of yarrow that spread happily. I've even had some lawn damage from a back-hoe's wheels and transplanted plugs of yarrow into them. (The clover takes care of itself!) Also some nice lirope plugs, which have also taken off.
In an area where I used dirt to level a very bumpy section, the Bermuda grass has TAKEN over. Despite the seeding with yarrow and clover. I do anticipate the yarrow seeds eventually germinating; they always do.
My question is this: Is there any chance that 1) the Bermuda grass could choke out the lawn replacement items? Or, visa versa, could the lawn replacements eventually get rid of the Bermuda grass? Needless to say I pray for the latter.
I mow high: 6". That's if I get around to mowing at all, actually. I will be putting down my fall seeding this coming week. I usually do a mow, then mix the fine yarrow seeds into espresso grounds (rather than the suggested sand) and use a hand spreader. Other than digging 3 acres of Bermuda grass out by hand, does anyone have a lawn replacement recommendation that is strong enough to choke this evil stuff out?
Or will it always prevail?
Thanks all!
Next question, about the ant hills that make my lawn look like it was tilled....