Emilie McVey

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since Oct 28, 2014
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I am originally from (the great state of) Texas and have been an expat living in PA for 34 years, the last several of which have been in beautiful central PA. I love gardening and the outdoors and the concept of sustainable living; that said, neither my beloved of 36 years nor I are handy - we feel very accomplished to be able to paint a room and have it look nice.
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Recent posts by Emilie McVey

I have found that if I clean/melt the tallow multiple times, then the resulting product has very little odor.  I’m talking five, six, seven times.  Less than that and the tallow still smells like meat.
2 days ago

Comfrey's roots are quite deep, so they can reach mineral resources the more shallow rooted plants cannot access.  The leaves provide those resources to the trees and other surface plants, and they thrive on it.

Being so deep, the roots also help break up hard soil (I have heavy clay) so rain can percolate down and other plants have more of a chance at thriving in the loosened soil.

I cut my comfey back several times a summer, for use as mulch/fertilizer, for medicinal use, and to keep the flowers from setting seed.  My plants have rather boring flowers, even en masse, so while bees love them, don't expect a glorious show.

When they die back in the winter, they look black and unappealing.  Take the opportunity to cut them way back and compost the leaves, and the stumps that remain won't look so bad.

I think the suggestions to interplant comfrey with some fruit trees are a great idea.  If you're not ready to take on the maintenance of the fruit trees yet (Grow a Little Fruit Tree is a fantastic resource)( I can't remember the author), plan out where you'll want them, and don't plant comfrey too near those spots.  

The way comfrey grows and spreads, I really think you'll want to plant less than half of what you're thinking. It's great around trees (not too close), and my raspberries love it, but smaller plants will probably be overtaken by it.
1 month ago
I only read thru the first page of comments, and I couldn't "thumbs up" any of the proffered names bc I don't know how (tapping the thumb did not work).

That said, I most prefer Smokeless Masonry Heater, although Paul thinks corporations would sink it.  I don't understand why, but I'm sure he's right.

How can one call the rocket heater with a barrel a masonry heater?  Because down the pipeline it pumps heat into cob which then radiates it?

Someone noted that an aesthetic/interior designer gave a thumbs down to the barrel look.  I have to agree, and my husband said "never in my house!". Whereas a true masonry heater/kachelofen would be attractive and have all the advantages of the RMH.

So, it's very possible that a large part of the lack of interest is not (just) the name, but the ugly-as-sin barrel (sorry! but it's true), and the mental association of a rocket (sounds like a rocket) in one's living space.
3 months ago
Dear Paul,
Thank you for sharing; I'm sure it felt very difficult and awkward, but it's done and now many, many of your "peeps" can join you on the journey and/or keep you in their prayers.  You'll probably hear from a lot of people who can sympathize with what you're going through.

Good for you for seeking your own path through this!  And it's impressive that your doctor is supporting you in your "alternative journey".  Too many do not.  Their way or the highway, as it were.

Best of luck with your journey, I'm so glad you're finding success with your choices.  You'll be in my prayers.
Sodium lauryl sulfate, and its relative sodium laureth sulfate, are hormone disruptors.  I have no idea if they are harmful to plants or soil, but they are definitely harmful to humans!  If you read labels of the various soaps, shampoos, body lotions, detergents, etc., you may be shocked at how prevalent these hormone disruptors are. So, IMO, avoid anything that contains them.
11 months ago
It's a bit off subject, perhaps, but hops is a great medicine.  It's a painkiller, for example, a muscle relaxer, including menstrual cramps, it has antimicrobial properties, is an aid for insomnia, it's useful in treating arthritis.  Recent (2018) studies indicates it may be helpful in treating cancer, but more research is required.  It's good for much more than beer!
1 year ago
I notice that many of you suggest comfrey as a plant for the tree guilds.  I know it has wonderful qualities in enriching the soil, and it's medicinal, of course. But it grows like crazy!  Wouldn't it overrun everything else in the guild? I cut mine back a few times a summer and it still is taking over the bed where it's located.
1 year ago

Until the true cost of disposal is built into the purchase price, landfills and incineration will dominate.
There is a way to recycle almost anything if the incentive is high enough.
During WW2 reusing everything was considered a moral imperative.
If we treated natural extraction as a moral impossibility that was like trading with the enemy, we would find ways to use what we have, rather than extract oil or gas to make a plastic do dad.

Totally agree!!  But there's either not the political will, or else the corporate "citizens" have bought off all the politicians.  Or both.
1 year ago
Here's a question.  I don't think I missed its answer in the messages extolling the virtues of leaf mold, but forgive me if I did...... If the neighborhood trees all have some sort of fungal infection (or it may be bacterial or viral, not sure), should I use those leaves?  Or will that just spread the disease?

This year everywhere I look, the tree leaves have orange spots, or orange and brown spots, or lots of little black spots.  Or growths on them.  Not healthy looking at all.  It's been this way since at least July, too.  So I'm really hesitant to try to do anything with them.

What do you all think?
1 year ago