Jeremy Kyncl

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since Nov 01, 2014
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Recent posts by Jeremy Kyncl

I'd be into picking up three this spring if you're selling again!
Being Czech by heritage, I'd love to grow this!
Jeremy Kyncl
I'm considering our windbreaks and am having a tough time thinking it through.
Here's the wind speed and direction data from our very nearby airport:
As you can see, I'm going to see winds from ALMOST EVERYWHERE.
We get upslope winds from solar heating, downslope from cooling, the prevailing westerlies mixing with wind coming east down off Mt. Spokane...

Question is, should I be working on a full envelope forest donut concept for the windbreak?

Thanks for the thoughts!
10 years ago
Hi all,

Anyone been managing a Black Hawthorn coppice? We'll have Red Root (Ceanothus sanguineus), Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), Serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.), Scouler's Willow (Salix ...), and Black Hawthorn (Crateagus douglasii) growing with Douglas Fir and Ponderosa pine standards for timber value. Probably start adding in things like white ash and hazelnuts as we get into the coppice cycle. We have 5-7 acres to develop into a coppiced food and tool forest.
I'm going to try hugel-swales with the slash to introduce contoured coppice swales for the introductions of ash, hazelnut, and whatever else we introduce, and hopefully encourage everything to get into a semblance of a line over the next few decades.

I'm looking for pointers on harvest cycle and how many doug fir/ ponderosa pine standards to leave.

Thanks for the help!
Jeremy Kyncl
10 years ago