Rusty Humperdink

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since Nov 13, 2014
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Recent posts by Rusty Humperdink

That's awesome!

BTW: I will be using conduit for my chimney. It has a grey coating of some kind on the inside that I am trying to remove. In Ianto's book he recommends burning the coating off of the materials, but I can't have a bonfire in my current situation, and I can only reach about a foot into the pipe with sandpaper. I suppose I could just build the heater and let the first use burn off the coating, but do you know of any other options?
10 years ago
Thanks Al! Is there a temperature differential between the air and a particular part of the heater that creates the draw? Why will putting sand at the bottom of the barrel improve the draw?
10 years ago
I am interested in building a similarly sized (7 gal) pocket rocket, but the tubing that I have for the chimney is about 3' long (Ianto recommends 5'), and the tubing that I have for the feed tube is about 8" long (Ianto recommends 1'). Is it resonable to try putting one together with what I have, or should I wait until I can get longer tubing? What differences would there be in how the heater works given the different length tubing?
10 years ago