Paul Simpson

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since Dec 15, 2014
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Tom OHern wrote: The smaller your run, the more often you will need to rotate them.

Thanks! I was thinking of either daily or weekly rotation.
10 years ago

Quick question, how many square feet of coop / run should I allow per bird? I'm thinking of using the rotating pasture system, with 4 runs, so they will only access each patch 1/4 of the time.

My city ordinance only allows 6 chickens, so I'm trying to figure out how much space I'll need
10 years ago

First up, I'm new here, so go easy on me! I stumbled across your site when doing some follow up research after looking for ways to get rid of a huge pile of leaves!

Anyway, I'm keen to go down the whole "off the grid" path and am looking at aqua phonics etc.

My question here involves energy production. I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice.

It seems to me that there are three ways to "consume" the fuel. You can burn it directly (I plan a rocket-stove design), you can digest it to produce methane or you can gasify it to produce another flammable gas (hydrogen?)

I'm looking to use a combination of kitchen scraps, garden waste, wood-workshop waste and possibly human and animal waste as my fuels, but which methods should I use for each in order to get maximum energy?

For example, the leaves and / or grass clippings. Am I better digesting them to get methane, or turning them into pellets and gassifying? Or maybe even just burn directly? If I digest them, can I dry the waste product, pellet it and burn (or even gasify)?

Obviously, some fuels are a no-brainer (I can't imagine gasifying the dog poo!) but advice would be appreciate!

I also plan to store the resulting gasses to power both internal combustion engines and to burn directly. Can the two gasses be safely mixed and stored / used together, or is that a BAD idea?

All advice gratefully received!
10 years ago