Hi Everyone,
I have nearly an acre of new hugelkultur beds cover cropped with oats, peas, and red clover. I completed construction in September 2014. I intend to plant these beds by mid-May 2015 (predominantly artichoke and strawberry,) and I'm trying to decide how to best prepare the soil. I would prefer not to till for a variety of reasons: (1) erosion, (2) time required to operate small rototiller, (3) difficultly incorporating larger pieces of organic matter below the 4" of topsoil, (4) compaction of soil caused by walking all over beds. Any suggestions for managing these cover crops here in Southern Oregon? I'm considering mowing the annual plants, let's say early May, and letting them dry up for a couple weeks before covering the beds with a heavy straw mulch. Then planting my perennials into the straw mulch. My concern, however, is that the oats in particular will just grow through my mulch and compete with the not yet established strawberries and artichokes.
How have you managed your hugelkultur after the first cover cropped winter?